A real story about a man, myself, and a cat but it will touch your heart
On September 31, 2015, I lost my best friend of 17 years, “Regal”. He was one of the first Jack Russell Terriers in South Beach in Miami, FL. He arrived in my life in Louisville, KY while I was attending the Kentucky Derby in 1999. It was love at first sight, so I had no choice but to bring him with me to Miami, where he became one of the most loved and admired dogs on the beach.
“For the next 17 years, Regal was my loyal companion. He will always be one of the greatest loves of my life.”
And right until the end, he continued surprising me, even being the reason for DJ to be part of my life now. It happened on July 3, 2015. While leaving Regal’s vet I was in the mindset of getting in the car and driving back home quickly, but Regal had other plans. I knew he was thirsty, so instead of rushing into my car, I delayed so I could get Regal some water. While he was drinking, I saw a couple in a black BMW arrive, park right behind my car blocking my way out, and turning on their blinking emergency lights. By now Regal was done drinking and I started walking back to my car; the good looking young couple had already gotten out of their BMW and the guy was rushing towards one of the Vet employees.
That’s when I first saw him, for in the hand of the young guy was a small ball of black fur. There was DJ, in the hand of a stranger. To me, it was just a black kitten. I don’t know what came over me, but I quickly approached the young couple and asked if that was their kitty and told them they had an adorable pet… NO. I was surprised and confused. It must’ve shown in my face because the girl quickly stepped in to explain: they were leaving their home earlier, but right before they turned on their car they heard the whine of a small cat apparently coming from inside their car, so they started to look everywhere because the whining was incessant. Finally, they found it stuck inside the wheel well of their car. They were there to drop him off because they could not keep him. Surely someone would adopt him fast as he was just a baby. Before I knew it, my husband jumped in between the young guy and the clinic employee, grabbing the kitten from the guy’s hand and almost screaming “We keep it!”, with DJ already in his hands. My husband is a cat person and he had recently lost his cat “Da Vinci” after 14 years of companionship. The young couple was startled by my husband’s bluntness and they kept asking whether we were sure and whether we would take care of him. My husband then told them about the loss of his cat a few months ago and how this was “meant to be”. We both committed to taking care of him. I was intrigued by the couple’s concern over a kitten they had just found a few hours before. How could they love him so fast? My husband drove home while holding DJ, he was so small that he fit just in one hand. I knew how much he missed his cat, so I was happy for him.
Little did I know what was about to happen. I always considered myself a “dog person”. I never had a cat before, so when my husband told me “He’s YOUR cat, not mine”, I didn’t understand.
The first night that DJ arrived, my husband had him most of the time, we went to sleep and my husband brought DJ to sleep with us. He was trying to get DJ to sleep next to him but DJ made his way to sleep next to my neck. From that time on, DJ would clearly follow me everywhere. He was a kitten full of energy, a clear contrast to my dog Regal who was old, slow, and almost blind. I thought that Regal would dismiss DJ and that they would not get along, but it was the total opposite. DJ infused Regal with his energy, making him run and play, just to end sleeping right next to each other. It was refreshing to see Regal regain some of the vitality he had as a young dog.
From June to September that year, Regal and DJ became the best of friends. But then Regal took a turn for the worst after apparently having a stroke. That’s when DJ really started to win my heart. Instinctively he knew that Regal could not play as before so he slowed down and would be more gentle with Regal. Those last days he spent much of his time with Regal and through Regal with me.
On September 30, 2015, Regal passed away. It was one of the worst days I have ever experienced. Upon returning home from the vet without Regal, it was as if DJ knew I was heartbroken. He noticed Regal’s absence and seemed to understand how I felt because he kept me company now. I don’t know how, but DJ was able to fill a space that I never thought would be filled again. I realized how important DJ had been for my old friend Regal on his last days and how important he was becoming for me. Without him, I don’t know how I could’ve coped with Regal’s passing. It was then when I finally understood something my husband had told me the morning after that first night when DJ slept in my neck. He told me that DJ was MY cat (something I didn’t accept then thinking that he just wanted to dodge his responsibility) and he said that “cats choose their owners” not the other way around. It became clear to me that DJ had chosen me. My husband was right, DJ was MY cat. He loves both his daddies but the connection he has with me is unique.
It has been 5 years since I said goodbye to Regal and since DJ chose me, and in those 5 years I have learned a lot about being a cat owner, but most importantly I have chosen DJ back. DJ is not a replacement for my dog he has carved his own space in my heart. He is very special and this will be the story of his life and those who surround him.
I decided to share DJ’s story after chatting with someone I don’t know in person but follows DJ’s page on IG. It is a real story about a man and a cat that will touch your heart. We are living in very strange times. Hate and fights increase daily around us, and we need more compassion. We need to re-learn how to love and understand each other again… We will….
“Hopefully, DJ’s story will bring you the joy that we are in so much need right now.”
So please follow @iamdjthecat and share his story with your friends.
“Thank you Rogelio, for be next to me during this beautiful journey!” — Daddy #2